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Gemma Bromley

ABI Survivor & Rehabilitation Worker, Visibility Scotland

Hi guys, I’m Gemma - a brain injury/craniotomy survivor. I am 37 years old, living life to its fullest! I work for Visibility Scotland as a Rehabilitation Worker for Visual Impairment - the very best job in the world! Up to date I have published a book ‘Half a Head’ ALL about my journey coming to terms with my ‘new’ brain, and how I stayed positive throughout. I’m a MASSIVE brain injury advocate - you can mainly find me hanging out on Instagram! Hmm…what else can I say about myself; I have a 7 year old son (who is my daily inspiration), and the very best partner a girl could ask for…enough bio about me… us brain injured folk tend to waffle!


I can’t wait to meet you all after my talk - I’d love to hear your story.

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